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34 Ten Minutes to Action – 2018 Tax Reform Basics


I’ve been getting a ton of questions about the 2018 tax reform, so today I am going to talk about some of the most important 2018 tax reform basics.

I elaborate on how and why to swap real estate, how you can get more deductions, what to be aware of, and more on today’s show.

Money with a Twist of Sublime with Holly Signorelli on APPLE PODCASTS
“You can’t have a loss using the Section 179 depreciation.” – Holly Signorelli

Show Notes:

  1. Why you can only swap real estate with the 2018 tax reform

  2. What is bonus depreciation

  3. What does section 179 do

  4. How to get more tax deductions

  5. What you can and can’t deduct from your taxes in 2018

“These are just huge deductions that are really going to help small business.” – Holly Signorelli

Links Mentioned:

  1. Check out the MileIQ app

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